⭐️ FLASH SALE - $700 off the Full NCT Certificate!⭐️

Ends Monday!

Full Certificate Regularly $1697 - RIGHT NOW ONLY $997 - or payments as low as $63/mo!

Take a peek inside the training below!

Does this sound familiar?
  • You've got clients with stubborn pain patterns, and they seem to keep coming back with the same issues?
  • You sometimes feel stumped by certain client cases, and wish you knew how to resolve cases of severe chronic pain?
  • You want to make a HUGE impact on your clients lives, but there's just those few cases you haven't been able crack?
  • You're working so hard for these clients, and at the end of the day, you're too worn out to even think about self care?
  • Maybe you've even taken a Cupping Therapy training before, but it left you wanting MORE!
  • You know that Cupping Therapy can be a huge benefit to your clients, but some just simply aren't interested in trying it out?
  • You wish there was a proven strategy to get your clients to fall in love with cupping because it gives them massive results in less time, and would allow you to earn a higher income?

If any of the above sounds like you, the Neuromuscular Cupping Therapy Practitioner Training is here for you!

Choose "Affirm" or "Afterpay" at checkout to get a payment plan!
This Online Course Includes:

📖 Weekly In-Depth Online Trainings - I walk you through detailed Anatomy, Assessments, and Cupping Applications for each area of the body, and then show you how I implement them in real sessions, so you can be inspired to work these techniques into your own style!

📘 Comprehensive printable Reference Guide so you can reference on-the-go! This guide contains everything you can need to know about this style of Cupping, as well as each treatment, assessment, and anything else you may need to quickly reference or study to become a true Master of Neuromuscular Cupping Therapy!

💬 Transcripts of each lecture and demonstration so you can quickly revisit material

⭐ Access to our private Mastermind Group where you can connect with instructors, graduates, and ask any questions as you go through your training! This is the ultimate digital classroom!

📚 Premium access to the Coaching Library, where dozens of business-growth lectures are accessible to learn from at your convenience!

Upon Completion of this Course, you will: 
  • Be able to provide highly advanced Cupping Therapy protocols with confidence

  • Be able to customize these protocols for special cases of chronic pain, injury, and surgical recovery

  • Communicate with your clients in a way that gets them excited and happy to be active participants in this therapy, and happy to pay a higher price for it, too!

  • Become in-demand in your area with clients who are eagerly seeking someone who knows how to get them out of pain quickly!

  • Receive 35 CE credits from NCBTMB - NY is approved, too!

  • Be invited to our annual in-person graduates-only healing & Advanced CE retreat

  • Be added to an online directory of Practitioners, so you can be a part of our growing referral network



This online training can be completed on your own schedule, at your own pace, so you can complete your training as quickly as you want to!


You can take your time to digest the material, or take a break as needed. You'll have lifetime access to the material to complete it in the way that works best for YOU!


All content can be reviewed over & over again, ensuring you understand it and can apply it in an expert way in no time! You can practice on friends, family, or current clients, on your own schedule. This training has been proven to be the most comprehensive Cupping Therapy training available, even though it's totally online! And, if you want more support and connection from instructors & graduates, you can reach out on our private Mastermind Group - You get access to tons of Q&A resources, business growth support, and more!


As long as you have previous hands-on experience & training in bodywork, you can easily learn Neuromuscular Cupping Therapy with me and start helping your clients more effectively, right away! This training starts with the foundations of this particular application of Cupping Therapy unique to NCT, so even the more skilled Cupping Practitioners will have something to learn in the beginning. Then, the course soon advances to the most effective Cupping Techniques I've been able to create! We have taught many practitioners who already have multiple Cupping trainings in their experience, and NCT has advanced their skills beyond what they expected!
And, if you're a total newbie to cupping, have no fear! The foundations in the beginning of the course will set you up to feel confident quickly!

Dayna Says "It's a Game-Changer"

"It has changed my practice so much, in just these few weeks!"

Choose "Affirm" or "Afterpay" at checkout to get a payment plan!



You will get:

- Immediate access to online course modules, going into detailed theory, anatomy, considerations, and multiple demonstrations for each area of the body and type of injury you're likely to be working with. Each module has roughly 3-4 hours of video content, broken down into 5-30min videos, which you can enjoy at your own pace!

- A printable reference guide which contains all the course material in written form. Use this to study, or keep one in your practice for a quick reference!

- Lifetime access to the course content - revisit it whenever you need to!

- 35 CE's from NCBTMB! NY is approved, too!

- Access & Membership to the Mastermind Community Group - 
This is your classroom, where you will be able to ask questions, get to know other students, and access all other live content. You will have access to this group for one year! Additional membership past this time will be available for a low yearly membership fee.

- Access to the Q&A library, where all your cupping questions are answered, even for specific, unique cases! You can always post additional questions to the group for live support from instructors and graduates of the program


Yes! The full training is split up into two courses, which each provide you a certificate of completion!

The first Course is the Foundations & Upper Body Certificate, and grants you 20 CEs, and a certificate of completion.

The second course is the Lower Body Certificate. This Certificate provides an additional 15 CEs.

Completion of both courses is required to receive the full credential of 'Neuromuscular Cupping Therapy Practitioner' - which earns you the fancy Certificate our graduates proudly display on their walls!


The full training takes 12-weeks to complete, but you can complete Course #1, Upper Body & Foundations, in just 6 weeks. You'll be well on your way to working more effectively with clients in under two weeks!

You can take as much time as you like to complete the material, and each module will be released to you on a weekly basis. You have lifetime access to the course material, and you'll be able to ask questions and access the instructors as long as you remain in the Mastermind Community!


Yes, if your local governing body accepts NCBTMB CEs, then you will be able to apply up to 35 CEs to your license renewal!

Course 1 - Foundations & Upper Body grants 20 CEs, and Course 2 - Lower Body grants 15 CEs.

It is your responsibility to ensure your state licensing agency will accept online CE's approved by NCBTMB.

Hi! I'm Gretchen!
I'll be your main NCT Instructor!

I've taught Neuromuscular Cupping Therapy to over 800 students worldwide, and I am blown away by the results they've been getting!

I'm a little obsessed with Cupping Massage. After taking pretty much every major Cupping Therapy training I could find, I kept feeling myself wanting MORE!

So, I started diving into complementary techniques, and soon found they worked tremendously well with Cupping Therapy! Thus, NCT was born!

Through the years these techniques have helped my most stubborn pain clients be able to reach their feet again, run marathons again, even avoid surgery!

After training my employees in this signature process, I created this online course to help more people.

I know this is the game-changer you've been looking for - are you in?!

Choose "Affirm" or "Afterpay" at checkout to get a payment plan!

Grace Says "I Really Do LOVE This Course!"

For the longest time, Grace was a big believer in only learning Cupping in an in-person setting... until she discovered NCT!

This bundle is not available for purchase.

Choose "Affirm" or "Afterpay" at checkout to get a payment plan!

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Use the chat box in the bottom right-hand corner to ask me any questions!

I'll respond ASAP!